
All academic & research publications by Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary.
Preference for digital media use, biobehavioral attention bias, and anxiety symptoms in adolescents

Myruski, S., et al., Dennis-Tiwary, T.A. (2024). Preference for digital media use, biobehavioral attention bias, and anxiety symptoms in adolescents, Computers in Human Behavior.

Effects of attention bias modification for anxiety: Neurophysiological indices and moderation by symptom severity

Myruski, S., Cho, H., & Dennis-Tiwary, T. (2023). Effects of attention bias modification for anxiety: Neurophysiological indices and moderation by symptom severity. Clinical Neurophysiology.

Attention Bias Modification Training Is a Digital Health Solution for Managing Distress in Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study in Pediatric Onset

Charvet, L., George, A., Cho, H., Krupp, L. B., & Dennis-Tiwary, T. A. (2021). Frontiers in Neurology, 12.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Augments the Effects of Gamified, Mobile Attention Bias Modification

Myruski, S., Cho, H., Bikson, M., & Dennis-Tiwary, T. A. (2021). Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Augments the Effects of Gamified, Mobile Attention Bias Modification. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 2.

Heterogeneity of the Anxiety-Related Attention Bias: A Review and Working Model for Future Research

Dennis-Tiwary, T.A., Denefrio, S. †, Myruski, S. & Roy, A. (2019). Heterogeneity of the anxiety-related attention bias: A review and working model for future research. Clinical Psychological Science, 7(5), 879-899. doi: 10.1177/2167702619838474

A Web-Based Interactive Tool to Reduce Childhood Obesity Risk in Urban Minority Youth: Usability Testing Study

Verdaguer, S., Mateo, K., Wyka, K.F., Dennis-Tiwary, T.A., & Leung, M.M. (2018). A web-based interactive tool to reduce childhood obesity risk in urban minority youth: Usability testing study. JMIR Formative Research 2018, 2(2), e21. doi: 10.2196/formative.9747

Threat Sensitivity

Denefrio, S., Dennis-Tiwary, T.A. (2017). Threat sensitivity. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.D. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York: Springer.

Salutary Effects of an Attention Bias Modification Mobile Application on Biobehavioral Measures of Stress and Anxiety During Pregnancy

Dennis-Tiwary, T. A., Denefrio, S., & Gelber, S. (2017). Salutary effects of an attention bias modification mobile application on biobehavioral measures of stress and anxiety during pregnancy. Biological Psychology, 127, 148-156.

A Single Session of Attentional Bias Modification Reduces Alcohol Craving and Implicit Measures of Alcohol Bias in Young Adult Drinkers

Luehring-Jones, P. †, Louis, C., Erblich, J., & Dennis-Tiwary, T. (2017). A single session of attentional bias modification reduces alcohol craving and implicit measures of alcohol bias in young adult drinkers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 41(12), 2207-2216.

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Neurocognitive Individual Differences in the Acute Stress-Reduction Effects of an Attention Bias Modification Game for Anxiety

Dennis-Tiwary, T., Egan, L.J., Babkirk, S., and Denefrio, S. (2016). For whom the bell tolls: Neurocognitive individual differences in the acute stress-reduction effects of an attention bias modification game for anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 77, 105-117.

A Critical Review of Attentional Threat Bias and Its Role in the Treatment of Pediatric Anxiety Disorders

Roy, A.K. Dennis, T.A., & Masia Warner, C. (2015). A critical review of attentional threat bias and its role in the treatment of pediatric anxiety disorders. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 29(3), 171-184.

Mental Health on the Go: Effects of a Gamified Attention-Bias Modification Mobile Application in Trait-Anxious Adults

Dennis, T. A., & O’Toole, L. J. (2014). Mental Health on the Go: Effects of a Gamified Attention-Bias Modification Mobile Application in Trait-Anxious Adults. Clinical Psychological Science, 2(5), 576–590.

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